It is recommended that website elements be contained in a "layout" (for those who are familiar with CSS, you could think of it as a "container")
To add a new layout, select the add button, select "layout" and drag it where you would like it to go.
Each layout and each section within it has it's own settings and spacing so be sure to adjust these accordingly.
Layout settings:
- You can change the background color or add an image as a background
- You can give the layout a border
- You can change the position of the layout: horizontal, vertical, or floating block
- You can further adjust the position of the layout using the relevant icon buttons
- You can check to allow items to wrap or not
- You can force horizontal layouts to switch to vertical layouts on smaller screens and select which screen size it starts on
- You can select the alignment of the layout
- You can give the layout a shadow
- You can make the layout position "sticky" or not
Layouts also have size, spacing, visibility, animation, and advanced settings that you can adjust like other elements.